Thursday, August 25, 2011

Life Ever Changing

How does an 18 year old girl, sights set for college and dreams to live on the stage change her path completely? Well, she gets picked up while walking home with groceries in Rexburg, Idaho while attending college by her future fiance, gets married, and has a baby! Suddenly a life on the stage does not seem so important anymore since everyday with a toddler seems to be a production. Singing, dancing, and learning never ending! Maybe I'm not singing with stars on Broadway but I get to sing with big named actors including Barney and the cast of Yo Gabba Gabba everyday! Okay, so that may sound a little sarcastic but I can sincerely say that as long as Samantha is smiling and excited  to hear me sing that's all the audience I need. It helps to have my "co-star" Sean too. Life is not always a standing ovation though with a toddler but even when things seem to be getting too overwhelming with Sam, she does something cute to lighten the mood. I decided to start a blog as my personal diary that I wanted to share with family, friends and anyone else dealing with kids! Maybe in our frustrations and accomplishments we can help each other raise some great kids! Plus, I always find myself saying, "oh my gosh Sam did something so cute today and I don't want to forget about it!"... and then I forget. This way, I can share these moments with family and friends. After all, why should I be so selfish?! Well this has been my first official Blog! Until next time!


  1. Yes! I'm so glad you started a blog! Now I can read it all the time:) love you guys!

  2. I never heard how you and Sean met - sounds very cute! I'm glad you have a blog. You are officially on my google reader!

  3. That's adorable how you met! I love your adorable pictures!

  4. Thanks for leaving out the part where I was a jerk the first month that you met me :)

    PS We are so hot..
