Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Beautiful day at the Park!

So Sam was up by 7:30 this morning so I decided to get us out to a park and take advantage of the beautiful morning we were having today. The weather this week has been so beautiful and I will be sad to see it go. I don't want to go back to 3 digit weather but I guess I can deal a few more weeks. 70 degree weather is hard to beat! Anyways, I decided we should go try out this park we always drive by but never go to. It was such a wonderful park! Its called Central Park and it is completely covered by trees and there are 2 playgrounds next to each other, one for older kids and the other for younger. There was no kids out there except for this little 3 year old boy with his dad but they were playing on the big kid stuff. Sam, the social bug that she is, decided she wanted to go make a friend and went to go see the boy. They got along so well, it was so cute! They even were holding hands at one point! Because this was the big kid playground I followed behind Sam making sure she didn't fall or get too ambitious and try to climb something she could not climb alone. The little boy Conner went down the big slide and Sam climbed up to follow. She paused and looked down from the high point. "We're up high, huh Sam?!" I stated, then we went down the tall slide together. The little boy yells,"We got a pie? A pie!" He laughed and laughed and thought it was just the funniest thing I could say. Sam decided to copy him every time he said it after that too... except much louder! He would say,"Pie!" Then Sam would say, "PBYE!!" (couldn't quite noodle the "P" sound but was close) They later threw a little soft football around and Conner pretended to be a pizza man and serve pizza to Samantha. More kids started coming but we had already been there for almost an hour and a half so I decided we should go. Little Conner was so sad to see Samantha go and asked his daddy, "Am I going to see her again?" as they walked to their car. His daddy said, "I'm sure you will see her again at the park sometime!" Samantha sure made an impression on this little guy! So cute! I hope we run in to each other again at the park sometime so they can re unite!
Samantha was pretty wiped out when we got home. I washed her hands and she ate a PBJ with milk. I think this was the easiest time I had putting her down for a nap! Such a cutie.

1 comment:

  1. oooo you better watch out girl! sam's starting to nab those pesky boys! :) she's a doll
