Saturday, October 13, 2012

Chocolate Chip Cookie "You Tube Video"

This is a conversation my sister and I had yesterday late afternoon while I was visiting in Lewisville.

Tori had just baked up 2 dozen cookies for her friends that were coming over.

Me: "Oh my gosh, Tori did you see that new 
YouTube video with the pregnant lady that ate the cookie really fast?"

Tori: "Haha, no sounds funny!"

Me: "Do you want to watch it?"

Tori nods her head as I grab a cookie and eat it really fast.

Tori: "JULIA!!!!!"

Mom laughing really hard in the background.

Me: "Do you want to watch it again?"

I know... I'm mean but you should always offer a pregnant lady a cookie :p

Saturday, October 6, 2012

It's Fall!

I honestly don't know where the time went! I cannot believe it is already fall! AND I am 16 days away from having a new baby girl join us! Its kind of a scarey thought and I'm starting to remember all the "fun" stuff I get to go through when I go in to labor! But, Halloween is my favorite holiday and I know Samantha really enjoys it, so we can't just skip out on all the fun stuff we need to do to kick it off! Our play group decided to make a trip out to the Flower Mound Pumpkin Patch! It really was so fun! I'm really glad we decided to go to this one because I think it was perfect for their age group! They had every kids show character you could think of from TV there to take pictures in front of you could think of (cardboard cut-outs that is lol) which I thought was really cool!

Here is Samantha standing in front of the cast of Yo Gabba Gabba! She seemed to be more excited about Barney though lol hence the reason we are planning on doing a Barney themed birthday this year.
See how her face just beams? 

Although we went for the pumpkin patch, the most popular thing to do there was of course the bounce houses and slides. If I let Sam, she would seriously have just stayed in there forever!
Classic Sammi excitement :D
Well, the only way we could pry them away from the bounce houses was in a wagon, which were free so even better. Once they were in the wagon they decided to go see the pumpkins lol
Here is Samantha pushing her buddy Collin! I'm so glad they have become good friends. We drove together and Collin just thought Sammi was so funny! It was cute to hear him laugh but not so cute when I realized she was spitting to make him laugh... oh Samantha.

Here is Samantha modeling for me on the trains. She sure can be cute when she wants to! Thankfully she is cooperating better for pictures now... but that does not mean this picture was the best out of 6 of the same shot lol.
This was one of the last pictures of the day lol Samantha was very tired. I was trying to get her to sit on it, but being worn out she could only muster up the strength to hug it lol.
Goodbye pumpkin patch! See you next year! 

Monday, July 30, 2012

Panic Mode

So I usually have the boys today but they are home sick, so I decided it would be fun to take Sammi to the mall and let her play with other kids at the indoor play area. She talks about going to the mall all the time and since a bracket of time opened up for us I decided to embrace it. Sammi is so funny. She wants sooo badly to make friends and most kids are so shy, she scares them off because of how persistent she can be. When she noticed little girls that looked like her (size, and the fact that they were girls lol) she ran to the opportunity to have a playmate. First girl was way too shy and held on to her mommy for dear life as Sam tried to grab her hand, saying "Come on! Play! Come On!" She gave up on her when she noticed another little girl who also became frightened by Sam's boldness. She ran to her daddy as Sam did the same thing with this girl trying to get her to play with her by saying over and over, "Come On!" I walked over to Sam and told her to say, "Do you want to play?" Sam said it and the girl acted shy and cuddled up against her daddy. Poor Sammi just wanted someone who she could run around with. FINALLY a girl responded to Sam's pleas and they chased each other, held hands, climbed in to the fake cars together, and then ran in circles chasing one another once again. Then it was time to go and they gave each other hugs and kisses lol and we went to go meet daddy for lunch at Spring Creek BBQ.

After lunch, we were close to Garden Ridge and I thought it would be fun to go walk around in there for a little while. Sam insisted on walking instead of sitting in a cart as usual. I told her if she ran off she would have to sit in a cart so she was actually doing pretty well as far as staying by me. Then, a sudden urge came over her and she darted away from me in to an isle of pillows. I tried to follow her but she was too quick. Panic came over me as I yelled her name with no response speed walking up and down isle after isle. I passed an older women and asked her if she had seen a little girl running around here. She said no but that she would go to the other end of the store to look, which was so nice. I found a worker and told him I had lost my 2 year old daughter, told her what she was wearing and before I knew it the whole store including 20 workers were out on the hunt for the missing girl. They told me to wait up front to block the door just in case. It took them like 30 seconds to find her but it felt like an eternity. She had been hiding behind the big stacks of large rugs in the back of the store, out of site. Once someone tried to talk to her she was off again but luckily I had spotted her by that point and picked her up. I was on the verge of tears and so thankful all these people were so kind to help me find her. As we headed to the car Sammi says to me, " I poop mommy! I poopy!" Sam is known to hide in her room and wants complete privacy when she goes number 2 so when she said this I was just speechless. She ran away from me because she needed to poop. OH MY GOSH! Can't wait to actually start potty training... The whole experience was just so surreal and I am so glad there were good people in that store today. So after I changed her diaper we were driving home and she fell asleep. Naps during the day mean late nights usually... Oh well I need a break!

Monday, July 23, 2012

Top 10 Things that are difficult to do while Pregnant

10.Get in and out of a car.
9.Sit through an entire movie without needing at least one bathroom break.
8.Picking kids up when they want to be held.
7. Letting more than an hour go buy without needing something to snack on.
6. Feeling pretty when none of your clothes fit anymore.

5. Keeping the kitchen clean, aka loading and unloading the dish washer.
4. Keeping up with the laundry, meaning getting it all folded AND put away.
3. Keeping toys off the floor. The constant bending over to put toys away is SO difficult!
2. Making dinner... oh and then cleaning up all the dishes afterwards.
1. The worst thing about being pregnant is trying to sleep. Between the nightly bathroom breaks and trying to find a comfortable position to sleep on, its a surprise I get any shut eye! Not to mention the party my baby is having in my tummy lol. Its like she is at a club dancing.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

It's a GIRL! Round 2

So after trying for 6 months, we found out we were pregnant with our 2nd in February. We wanted to keep it a secret until at least our first doctors appointment to make sure there was no complications. Unfortunately when I was about 6 weeks I caught the 24 hour stomach virus that was going around. I was worried it would be bad for the baby and I decided to get my moms opinion and tell her. Well, my aunt knew we were trying to get pregnant and asked my mom if she had heard any news. Sure enough the word got out pretty quick after that and I had no idea! It happened to be April fool's day when I decided to just tell anyone who didn't already know just so they didn't feel like we didn't tell them on purpose. My Aunt Dulce, who happens to be a week ahead of me pregnant, had no idea! When she offered to let me barrow a book about getting pregnant, I smiled and laughed a little. She was confused at first but when I told her we were pregnant she thought it was an April Fool's day joke ALL day! I felt so bad! She thought everyone was just playing along but in reality every one had already known from word of mouth.

SO, since we did not get to do a cool announcement saying we were having another baby, I decided to put together a gender announcement party for Dulce and I! It actually was really fun! My cake did not turn out too great cause I did not put enough filling in it to tell it was pink so Sean had to pull it apart lol. We had a full house and we are so happy so many friends and family could make it! We played Baby BINGO and Baby Charades!
So I have to admit I was secretly hoping Dulce and Jimmy would have a girl so our little girls could be buddies :) Got my wish!!!! There cake was so cute and delicious!
I also have to admit, I'm glad we are having another girl! Sammi needs a girlfriend/sister to grow up with. Hopefully next time we can have a boy :D

I think Sammi is really excited to be a big sister. She LOVES babies, almost like she has baby fever lol. We are so excited to see baby girl Hill #2 in October! I'm excited to dress her up for halloween :D

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Gabba land Room!

If you did not know this already about me, I am a very ambitious person, sometimes a little too ambitious. However, if I want something done I WILL get it done no matter how long it takes! This has been a work in progress for a good 2 months now but I am finally done!! I am so excited that it turned out pretty much how I in- visioned Samantha's room would look!

Each land took me about 48 hours... obviously over time. If you are not familiar with Yo Gabba Gabba it is a great show on Nickelodeon Sam has loved since she was 4 months old! My mom told me about the show and so I gave it a shot. My first impression was... this is weird. But, she has learned so much from the show! They put together great learning songs and boy does she know them! For her first birthday we took her to see Yo Gabba Gabba LIVE since they came to town!

She loved it so much that I decided to put together a quilt which you see the finished product below!

This was quite the project seeing how there are no patterns out there for Yo Gabba Gabba anything! After looking online for ideas, I realized I had to just come up with a good design... and this is what I came up with! Each character had to be cut, glued, and sewed around before attaching it to the rest of the quilt squares. Needless to say, this was not an easy task for someone who was not only making everything up but also not a great seamstress lol. After a good year, I finally finished the top! Then, my mom took it to a quilting shop and top stitched it, and did the backing and finishing touches! I'm really happy with how it turned out!

I know she will grow out of this show when she turns like 4, but hey that's fine with me! That just means new project! Maybe the next theme will be princess! That would be fun!

26 months and counting!

Friday, January 13, 2012

The most Memorable Day a the Park: according to Samantha

This story will be told by Samantha, with mommy Translation

Samantha: "Paahhk, Paahk!"
Translation: "We are going to the Park since it is so nice outside!"

Samantha: "Weee!"
Translation: "I want to go down the slide!"

Samantha: "Boy, BOY!"
Translation: "Look! There is a boy at the park! Yay a friend!"

Samantha: "Come On!" she says as she puts out her hand for him.
Translation: "....Come on, come play with me!"

The boy does not take her hand but decides to follow her to the top so they can go down the slide

Samantha: "WEEEE!"
Boy: "WEEE!"
Translation: "uh, need I say more?"

Then, boy decides he wants to chase Sam around acting like a monster... she loves being chased

Boy: "RAAAA!"
Samantha: "AHHHHH!!!!!" she says as she comes to hug mommy for protection, still with a huge grin on her face.

This went on for a good 15 minutes, then the boy stopped and started to swing. After being at the park for over an hour mommy decided it was time to go.

Samantha: "Bye Pahhk"

Daddy gets home from work and Samantha rushes to greet him with excitement.

Daddy: "Did you go to the park today?"
Samantha: " dededede Pahhk dededede Boy dededede RAAAAA!!"

At least once everyday since then she has mentioned this boy and how he chased her acting like a monster. Lets just say he made a lasting impression! I love my little chatter bug!