Friday, January 13, 2012

The most Memorable Day a the Park: according to Samantha

This story will be told by Samantha, with mommy Translation

Samantha: "Paahhk, Paahk!"
Translation: "We are going to the Park since it is so nice outside!"

Samantha: "Weee!"
Translation: "I want to go down the slide!"

Samantha: "Boy, BOY!"
Translation: "Look! There is a boy at the park! Yay a friend!"

Samantha: "Come On!" she says as she puts out her hand for him.
Translation: "....Come on, come play with me!"

The boy does not take her hand but decides to follow her to the top so they can go down the slide

Samantha: "WEEEE!"
Boy: "WEEE!"
Translation: "uh, need I say more?"

Then, boy decides he wants to chase Sam around acting like a monster... she loves being chased

Boy: "RAAAA!"
Samantha: "AHHHHH!!!!!" she says as she comes to hug mommy for protection, still with a huge grin on her face.

This went on for a good 15 minutes, then the boy stopped and started to swing. After being at the park for over an hour mommy decided it was time to go.

Samantha: "Bye Pahhk"

Daddy gets home from work and Samantha rushes to greet him with excitement.

Daddy: "Did you go to the park today?"
Samantha: " dededede Pahhk dededede Boy dededede RAAAAA!!"

At least once everyday since then she has mentioned this boy and how he chased her acting like a monster. Lets just say he made a lasting impression! I love my little chatter bug!